Chaiareekitwat, S., Nagle, M., Mahayothee, B., Khuwijitjaru, P., Rungpichayapichet, P., Latif, S., & Müller, J. (2025). Drying Behavior and Effect of Drying Temperatures on Cyanide, Bioactive Compounds, and Quality of Dried Cassava Leaves. Applied Sciences, 15(5), 2680.
Chaiareekitwat, S., Nagle, M., Mahayothee, B., Khuwijitjaru, P., Rungpichayapichet, P., Latif, S., & Müller, J. (2025). Drying Behavior and Effect of Drying Temperatures on Cyanide, Bioactive Compounds, and Quality of Dried Cassava Leaves. Applied Sciences, 15(5), 2680.
Link:DOI: 10.3390/app15052680
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