การนำเสนอผลงาน : วารสารนานาชาติ (ISI)
ชื่อเรื่อง: Khakhanang Wijarnprecha, Kornkanok Aryusuk, Pravit Santiwattana, Sopark Sonwai and Derick Rousseau (2018). Structural, thermal, and rheological properties of oleogels produced from rice bran wax and rice bran oil. Food Research International. 112, 199-208.
Khakhanang Wijarnprecha, Kornkanok Aryusuk, Pravit Santiwattana, Sopark Sonwai and Derick Rousseau (2018). Structural, thermal, and rheological properties of oleogels produced from rice bran wax and rice bran oil. Food Research International. 112, 199-208.
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