การนำเสนอผลงาน : การประชุมวิชาการนานาชาติ
ชื่อเรื่อง:Patchimaporn Udomkun, Marcus Nagle, Busarakorn Mahayothee, Joachim Müller. 2013. The Feasibility of Using Laser Backscattering and Digital Image to Monitor Physico-chemical Changes of Osmotically Pre-treated Papaya (Carica Papaya Linn.) During Drying. Tropentag. Agricultural development within the rural-urban continuum. September 17 - 19, 2013, Stuttgart-Hohenheim. (Poster)
บทคัดย่อ:Non-invasive assessments are cons idere d as an alte rnative metho d for evaluating quali-ty attributes of agric ultural pro ducts . This study inve stigated the feas ibility of using the combination of a computer vision syste m (CVS) with lase r dio de e mitting at 650 nm for pre dicting m oisture c onte nt (MC), lightne ss (L*), hue (h*), chroma (C*), and shrinkage changes of osm otic ally pre-treate d papaya ( Carica papaya L.) during drying. Convec tive drying was conducte d at four diffe re nt temp eratures (50, 60, 70, and 80 ◦ C) and the cor-res p onding air velo city and relative humidity was controlle d at 0.5 m/s and 10 g water/kg dry air, res p e ctively. The illum inated area (AI) in pixe l numb ers and light inte ns ity (IL) me asure d by grey value s were used to monitor the photon m igration profiles into the fruit tiss ue , w hile the s egme nted binary image are a in pixe l numb ers (Aimage ) was analyse d from digital images . As e xp ec ted, incre asing drying tem p e rature res ulted to a dec re ase in MC and C* value s, whereas L* and h* value s inc re ase d as drying pro c ee de d. The res ults also reve aled that for e ach single AI, IL, and Aimage parame ter obtained, c an b e use d to de sc rib e all quality change s, exc ept for C *-value. In addition, multiple param eter cor-relations of backsc atte ring and digital image prop erties prec isely yielded the b e st fit for MC, h*, and C* predictions b ec aus e it s howed the highes t c o e ffic ie nt of dete rm ination (R 2 >0.94). Therefore , the pap er c onc ludes that the us e of CVS te chnique coupled with lase r back sc attering metho ds provide use ful to ols for quality c ontrol of fruit during drying. More over, the y are multipurp ose and non- intrus ive me tho ds for in-line me asure me nts in food processing industry.
ที่ปรึกษา:รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร.บุศรากรณ์ มหาโยธี
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